> Our People
Our People
WP_Query Object ( [query] => Array ( [posts_per_page] => 200 [post_type] => our-people [post_status] => publish [meta_key] => attorney_lname [orderby] => meta_value [order] => ASC [paged] => 0 [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => OR [0] => Array ( [key] => select_attorney_status [value] => Current [compare] => LIKE ) ) ) [query_vars] => Array ( [posts_per_page] => 200 [post_type] => our-people [post_status] => publish [meta_key] => attorney_lname [orderby] => meta_value [order] => ASC [paged] => 0 [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => OR [0] => Array ( [key] => select_attorney_status [value] => Current [compare] => LIKE ) ) [error] => [m] => [p] => 0 [post_parent] => [subpost] => [subpost_id] => [attachment] => [attachment_id] => 0 [name] => [pagename] => [page_id] => 0 [second] => [minute] => [hour] => [day] => 0 [monthnum] => 0 [year] => 0 [w] => 0 [category_name] => [tag] => [cat] => [tag_id] => [author] => [author_name] => [feed] => [tb] => [meta_value] => [preview] => [s] => [sentence] => [title] => [fields] => [menu_order] => [embed] => [category__in] => Array ( ) [category__not_in] => Array ( ) [category__and] => Array ( ) [post__in] => Array ( ) [post__not_in] => Array ( ) [post_name__in] => Array ( ) [tag__in] => Array ( ) [tag__not_in] => Array ( ) [tag__and] => Array ( ) [tag_slug__in] => Array ( ) [tag_slug__and] => Array ( ) [post_parent__in] => Array ( ) [post_parent__not_in] => Array ( ) [author__in] => Array ( ) [author__not_in] => Array ( ) [search_columns] => Array ( ) [ignore_sticky_posts] => [suppress_filters] => [cache_results] => 1 [update_post_term_cache] => 1 [update_menu_item_cache] => [lazy_load_term_meta] => 1 [update_post_meta_cache] => 1 [nopaging] => [comments_per_page] => 50 [no_found_rows] => ) [tax_query] => WP_Tax_Query Object ( [queries] => Array ( ) [relation] => AND [table_aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [queried_terms] => Array ( ) [primary_table] => wp_posts [primary_id_column] => ID ) [meta_query] => WP_Meta_Query Object ( [queries] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => attorney_lname ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => select_attorney_status [value] => Current [compare] => LIKE ) [relation] => OR ) [relation] => AND ) [relation] => AND [meta_table] => wp_postmeta [meta_id_column] => post_id [primary_table] => wp_posts [primary_id_column] => ID [table_aliases:protected] => Array ( [0] => wp_postmeta [1] => mt1 ) [clauses:protected] => Array ( [wp_postmeta] => Array ( [key] => attorney_lname [compare] => = [compare_key] => = [alias] => wp_postmeta [cast] => CHAR ) [mt1] => Array ( [key] => select_attorney_status [value] => Current [compare] => LIKE [compare_key] => = [alias] => mt1 [cast] => CHAR ) ) [has_or_relation:protected] => 1 ) [date_query] => [request] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id ) INNER JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt1 ON ( wp_posts.ID = mt1.post_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND ( wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'attorney_lname' AND ( ( mt1.meta_key = 'select_attorney_status' AND mt1.meta_value LIKE '{cae98aa5882bfa9b7a5d0c6b7513e08c68c2dd1d38a38af68931fc97861dbd90}Current{cae98aa5882bfa9b7a5d0c6b7513e08c68c2dd1d38a38af68931fc97861dbd90}' ) ) ) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'our-people' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish')) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_postmeta.meta_value ASC LIMIT 0, 200 [posts] => Array ( [0] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 555 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-24 11:03:29 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-24 11:03:29 [post_content] => [post_title] => Daniel I. Babetch [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => dbabetch [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-10-24 12:58:27 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-10-24 12:58:27 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=555 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 565 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-24 11:53:40 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-24 11:53:40 [post_content] => [post_title] => Wyatt M. Bailey [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => wbailey [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-21 16:38:35 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-21 16:38:35 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=565 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12433 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-08-29 18:42:14 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-08-29 18:42:14 [post_content] => [post_title] => Katherine (Katie) Barton [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => kbarton [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:12:20 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:12:20 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12433 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [3] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 581 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-25 05:39:55 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-25 05:39:55 [post_content] => [post_title] => Louise A. Behrendt [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => lbehrendt [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-09-27 15:01:29 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-27 15:01:29 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=581 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [4] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 586 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-25 06:00:46 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-25 06:00:46 [post_content] => [post_title] => Kathleen L. Beiermeister [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => kbeiermeister [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-04 18:49:33 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-04 18:49:33 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=586 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [5] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1100 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 11:03:04 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 11:03:04 [post_content] => [post_title] => Mark A. Bloomquist [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => mbloomquist [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-09-27 15:00:31 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-27 15:00:31 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1100 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [6] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1107 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 11:28:45 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 11:28:45 [post_content] => [post_title] => Nicole L. Brand [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => nbrand [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:13:12 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:13:12 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1107 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [7] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1110 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 11:39:55 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 11:39:55 [post_content] => [post_title] => David E. Bridges [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => dbridges [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-04-30 13:27:53 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-04-30 13:27:53 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1110 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [8] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1113 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 11:51:19 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 11:51:19 [post_content] => [post_title] => Stacy A. Broman [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => sbroman [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:14:01 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:14:01 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1113 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [9] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14107 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-10 19:36:09 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-10 19:36:09 [post_content] => [post_title] => Thomas J. Brophy [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tbrophy [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 16:53:08 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 16:53:08 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14107 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [10] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14120 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-13 20:18:43 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 20:18:43 [post_content] => [post_title] => David Bruss [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => dbruss [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 16:54:38 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 16:54:38 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14120 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [11] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12600 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-08-31 16:59:01 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-08-31 16:59:01 [post_content] => [post_title] => Christopher M. Burkle [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cburkle [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:14:30 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:14:30 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12600 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [12] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1123 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 12:21:31 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 12:21:31 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jacalyn Chinander [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jchinander [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-28 17:14:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-28 17:14:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1123 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [13] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14400 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-02-04 15:12:58 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-02-04 15:12:58 [post_content] => [post_title] => Sanjay Chirayil [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => schirayil [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-28 17:11:57 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-28 17:11:57 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14400 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [14] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1129 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 12:39:53 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 12:39:53 [post_content] => [post_title] => Thomas H. Crouch [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tcrouch [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-09 15:12:49 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-09 15:12:49 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1129 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [15] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1132 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 12:46:18 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 12:46:18 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jessica K. Dennis [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jdennis [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-03-06 19:39:38 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-06 19:39:38 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1132 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [16] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14118 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-13 18:39:10 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 18:39:10 [post_content] => [post_title] => Joseph P. DiPino [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jdipino [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 16:48:05 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 16:48:05 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14118 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [17] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1142 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 13:09:52 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 13:09:52 [post_content] => [post_title] => Erin D. Doran [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => edoran [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-01-04 16:25:37 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-01-04 16:25:37 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1142 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [18] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13802 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-09-03 16:15:33 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-03 16:15:33 [post_content] => [post_title] => Dillon Ellis [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => dellis [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:05:18 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:05:18 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13802 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [19] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 5026 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2019-06-24 15:14:42 [post_date_gmt] => 2019-06-24 15:14:42 [post_content] => [post_title] => Thomas L. Garrity [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tgarrity [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:18:32 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:18:32 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=5026 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [20] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 457 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-21 06:13:36 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-21 06:13:36 [post_content] => [post_title] => Robert L. Graff [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => rgraff [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-16 16:20:48 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-16 16:20:48 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://localhost/Meagher/?post_type=our-peoples&p=457 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [21] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 11033 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2022-08-29 13:38:28 [post_date_gmt] => 2022-08-29 13:38:28 [post_content] => [post_title] => Ethan Groothuis [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => egroothuis [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:20:31 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:20:31 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=11033 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [22] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1152 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-28 13:36:37 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-28 13:36:37 [post_content] => [post_title] => Rodger A. Hagen [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => rhagen [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-12-17 16:23:45 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-12-17 16:23:45 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1152 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [23] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1195 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 05:49:54 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 05:49:54 [post_content] => [post_title] => Susan M. Hansen [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => shansen [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-10 19:46:41 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-10 19:46:41 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1195 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [24] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1198 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 06:12:55 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 06:12:55 [post_content] => [post_title] => Laura J. Hanson [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => lhanson [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:14:52 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:14:52 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1198 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [25] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1201 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 06:20:35 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 06:20:35 [post_content] => [post_title] => William M. Hart [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => whart [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-16 16:18:27 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-16 16:18:27 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1201 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [26] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13805 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-08-26 18:20:04 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-26 18:20:04 [post_content] => [post_title] => Sadiya Hashem [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => shashem [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:28:10 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:28:10 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13805 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [27] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1204 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 06:30:57 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 06:30:57 [post_content] => [post_title] => John C. Hendricks [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jhendricks [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-12-10 20:28:02 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-12-10 20:28:02 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1204 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [28] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12079 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-06-13 13:38:54 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-06-13 13:38:54 [post_content] => [post_title] => Sean Howard [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => showard [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:30:12 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:30:12 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12079 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [29] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14109 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-13 20:16:10 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 20:16:10 [post_content] => [post_title] => James P. Iovinelli [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jiovinelli [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 16:56:06 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 16:56:06 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14109 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [30] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12075 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-08-04 16:24:14 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-08-04 16:24:14 [post_content] => [post_title] => Charles Jaskolski [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cjaskolski [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:32:56 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:32:56 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12075 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [31] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 10707 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2022-08-05 19:12:29 [post_date_gmt] => 2022-08-05 19:12:29 [post_content] => [post_title] => Anthony W. Joyce [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => ajoyce [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:37:25 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:37:25 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=10707 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [32] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 10774 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2022-08-15 16:49:19 [post_date_gmt] => 2022-08-15 16:49:19 [post_content] => [post_title] => Thomas J Joyce [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tjoyce [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:35:50 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:35:50 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=10774 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [33] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13877 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-09-30 22:02:31 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-30 22:02:31 [post_content] => [post_title] => John Kipper [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jkipper [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:43:14 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:43:14 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13877 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [34] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1266 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 10:37:35 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 10:37:35 [post_content] => [post_title] => Tracy Vigness Kolb [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tkolb [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-19 18:35:08 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-19 18:35:08 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1266 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [35] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 3112 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-07-10 05:55:16 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-07-10 05:55:16 [post_content] => [post_title] => Tony R. Krall [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tkrall [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-09-23 19:09:33 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-23 19:09:33 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=3112 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [36] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1273 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 10:50:22 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 10:50:22 [post_content] => [post_title] => Laura E Kuipers [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => lkuipers [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-21 17:54:05 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-21 17:54:05 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1273 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [37] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13300 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-05-31 21:32:11 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-05-31 21:32:11 [post_content] => [post_title] => Kobie Layne [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => klayne [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:45:42 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:45:42 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13300 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [38] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1279 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 10:58:20 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 10:58:20 [post_content] => [post_title] => Bradley J. Lindeman [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => blindeman [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-16 16:14:06 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-16 16:14:06 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1279 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [39] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14398 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-03-03 22:32:03 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-03-03 22:32:03 [post_content] => [post_title] => Tim Lovett [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tlovett [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-04 15:41:48 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-04 15:41:48 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14398 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [40] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12081 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-07-05 21:29:03 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-07-05 21:29:03 [post_content] => [post_title] => Julianne M. Markiewicz [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jmarkiewicz [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-21 19:08:11 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-21 19:08:11 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12081 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [41] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1291 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 11:30:04 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 11:30:04 [post_content] => [post_title] => Besse H. McDonald [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => bmcdonald [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-19 18:36:25 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-19 18:36:25 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1291 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [42] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1295 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 11:33:36 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 11:33:36 [post_content] => [post_title] => Michael P. McNamee [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => mmcnamee [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-08-04 13:57:00 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-08-04 13:57:00 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1295 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [43] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13636 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-07-18 13:53:03 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-18 13:53:03 [post_content] => [post_title] => Cameron Michelsen [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cmichelsen [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:48:11 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:48:11 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13636 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [44] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1301 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 11:40:06 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 11:40:06 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jonathan D. Miller [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jmiller [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2022-11-22 06:40:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2022-11-22 06:40:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1301 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [45] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 3664 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-10-29 21:46:36 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-10-29 21:46:36 [post_content] => [post_title] => Joel Muscoplat [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jmuscoplat [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-04-17 18:27:33 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-04-17 18:27:33 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=3664 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [46] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1308 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 11:55:20 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 11:55:20 [post_content] => [post_title] => Heather H. Neubauer [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => hneubauer [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:15:37 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:15:37 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1308 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [47] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1312 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 12:00:25 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 12:00:25 [post_content] => [post_title] => Julia J Nierengarten [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jnierengarten [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-16 16:25:31 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-16 16:25:31 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1312 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [48] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13879 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-09-27 20:54:12 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-27 20:54:12 [post_content] => [post_title] => Caleb Nigrin [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cnigrin [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:55:20 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:55:20 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13879 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [49] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14113 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-13 19:28:19 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 19:28:19 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jessica Nosalski [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jnosalski [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 16:57:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 16:57:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14113 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [50] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14415 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-02-13 16:12:21 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-02-13 16:12:21 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jon P. Parrington [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jon-p-parrington [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-13 16:17:25 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-13 16:17:25 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14415 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [51] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 11140 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2022-11-08 15:46:28 [post_date_gmt] => 2022-11-08 15:46:28 [post_content] => [post_title] => Ryan Paukert [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => rpaukert [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:57:06 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:57:06 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=11140 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [52] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1320 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 12:24:43 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 12:24:43 [post_content] => [post_title] => Lenae M. Pederson [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => lpederson [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-02-09 21:22:24 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-02-09 21:22:24 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1320 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [53] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1326 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 12:33:54 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 12:33:54 [post_content] => [post_title] => Elizabeth S. Poeschl [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => epoeschl [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:17:52 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:17:52 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1326 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [54] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12922 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-11-28 15:23:18 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-28 15:23:18 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jeffrey T. Pyburn [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jpyburn [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 18:06:36 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 18:06:36 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12922 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [55] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13305 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-08-19 15:35:26 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-19 15:35:26 [post_content] => [post_title] => Andrew P. Quay [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => aquay [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 18:09:49 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 18:09:49 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13305 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [56] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1332 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-29 13:17:02 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-29 13:17:02 [post_content] => [post_title] => John E. Radmer [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jradmer [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-05-31 14:22:21 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-05-31 14:22:21 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1332 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [57] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1341 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 04:43:22 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 04:43:22 [post_content] => [post_title] => Melissa Dosick Riethof [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => mriethof [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-03-22 21:06:21 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-22 21:06:21 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1341 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [58] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12916 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-11-28 14:56:32 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-28 14:56:32 [post_content] => [post_title] => Samuel Ring [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => sring [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 18:11:41 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 18:11:41 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12916 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [59] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1356 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 05:11:47 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 05:11:47 [post_content] => [post_title] => Jon R. Russell [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jrussell [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-01-03 22:55:52 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-01-03 22:55:52 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1356 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [60] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13122 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-02-22 17:20:32 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-02-22 17:20:32 [post_content] => [post_title] => Caroline K Ruwe [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => ckruwe [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 18:16:34 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 18:16:34 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13122 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [61] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1369 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 05:43:08 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 05:43:08 [post_content] => [post_title] => Timothy R. Schupp [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => tschupp [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-12-17 16:26:28 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-12-17 16:26:28 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1369 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [62] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1372 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 05:47:02 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 05:47:02 [post_content] => [post_title] => Robert K. Scott [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => rscott [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-04-15 20:44:00 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-04-15 20:44:00 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1372 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [63] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 12783 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-10-30 20:33:32 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-10-30 20:33:32 [post_content] => [post_title] => Megan K Seavey [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => mseavey [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 18:19:22 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 18:19:22 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=12783 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [64] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 9374 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2021-10-28 20:34:37 [post_date_gmt] => 2021-10-28 20:34:37 [post_content] => [post_title] => Matthew Severinsen [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => matthew-severinsen [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-03-19 21:12:08 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-19 21:12:08 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=9374 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [65] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1388 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 05:55:31 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 05:55:31 [post_content] => [post_title] => Joseph M. Simmer [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jsimmer [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-03-14 16:24:07 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-14 16:24:07 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1388 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [66] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1398 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 06:06:04 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 06:06:04 [post_content] => [post_title] => M. Gregory Simpson [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => gsimpson [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-16 16:10:05 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-16 16:10:05 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1398 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [67] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 11134 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2022-10-31 14:02:44 [post_date_gmt] => 2022-10-31 14:02:44 [post_content] => [post_title] => Martha Snipstad [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => martha-snipstad [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-10 21:15:33 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-10 21:15:33 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=11134 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [68] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1410 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 06:20:28 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 06:20:28 [post_content] => [post_title] => Charles E. Spevacek [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cspevacek [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-09-13 18:52:52 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-13 18:52:52 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1410 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [69] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14115 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-13 21:30:40 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 21:30:40 [post_content] => [post_title] => Marc L. Srodulski [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => msrodulski [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 16:59:17 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 16:59:17 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14115 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [70] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1417 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 06:29:49 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 06:29:49 [post_content] => [post_title] => Chad J. Stepan [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => cstepan [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-16 16:09:06 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-16 16:09:06 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1417 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [71] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1423 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 06:39:40 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 06:39:40 [post_content] => [post_title] => Paula Weseman Theisen [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => ptheisen [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-04-19 21:48:40 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-04-19 21:48:40 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1423 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [72] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 13673 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2024-08-19 14:07:22 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-19 14:07:22 [post_content] => [post_title] => Nikolas T. Thompson [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => nikolas-t-thompson [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-08-26 18:28:34 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-08-26 18:28:34 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=13673 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [73] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 9164 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2021-09-14 20:14:53 [post_date_gmt] => 2021-09-14 20:14:53 [post_content] => [post_title] => Alexander Tibor [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => alexander-tibor [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-22 20:10:21 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-22 20:10:21 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=9164 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [74] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14104 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-10 18:27:36 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-10 18:27:36 [post_content] => [post_title] => Steven Vincent [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => svincent [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:03:19 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:03:19 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14104 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [75] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1435 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 07:34:19 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 07:34:19 [post_content] => [post_title] => Debra Weiss [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => dweiss [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:17:12 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:17:12 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1435 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [76] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 14111 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2025-01-13 21:08:20 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 21:08:20 [post_content] => [post_title] => Justin D. Wine [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => jwine [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-02-18 17:00:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-18 17:00:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://www.meagher.com/?post_type=our-people&p=14111 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [77] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1441 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 07:49:29 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 07:49:29 [post_content] => [post_title] => Leatha G. Wolter [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => lwolter [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-03-18 16:16:27 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-03-18 16:16:27 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1441 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [78] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1447 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 08:00:23 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 08:00:23 [post_content] => [post_title] => Karl J. Yeager [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => kyeager [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-09-12 16:12:43 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-12 16:12:43 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1447 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [79] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 1459 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-30 09:03:48 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-30 09:03:48 [post_content] => [post_title] => Kurt M. Zitzer [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => kzitzer [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-21 15:45:14 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-21 15:45:14 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=1459 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 80 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => 1 [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 555 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2018-05-24 11:03:29 [post_date_gmt] => 2018-05-24 11:03:29 [post_content] => [post_title] => Daniel I. Babetch [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => dbabetch [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-10-24 12:58:27 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-10-24 12:58:27 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => http://meagher.devser.net/?post_type=our-people&p=555 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => our-people [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 80 [max_num_pages] => 1 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => 1 [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => 1 [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 61132d04f07e1881bd77a1bb8549b635 [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) )
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