Date : Jul 23, 2009

In July of 2009, Meagher & Geer partner Kurt Zitzer was part of a panel of judges and other attorneys who spoke at the Arizona State Bar CLE by the Sea convention in San Diego, California. Kurt’s topic was entitled “Minding the Store, Internal Ethics and Liability Management.” The seminar addressed a number of ethical and legal issues that confront attorneys in their practice, such as administration of trust fund accounts, advertising and solicitation, ancillary businesses related to a law firm practice, conflicts of interest, duties to non-clients, departing lawyers, internal firm privileged communications, specifying fee agreement terms, supervision of junior lawyers, and the use of engagement and non-engagement letters. The seminar provided insight into risk management procedures to avoid exposure for bar complaints and legal malpractice actions. Kurt practices in the firm’s professional liability department, and a significant part of his practice is devoted to defending attorneys against legal malpractice claims.