Date : Sep 30, 2011

Meagher & Geer’s Director of Marketing and Business Development, Barbara Brown has been reelected to Board of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA), Minnesota Chapter, effective January 1, 2012. She will serve as Secretary, and Chair of the Membership Committee. LMA, The Authority for Legal Marketing®, is a professional organization that serves the needs and maintains the professional standards of those involved in marketing, business development, client service and communications within the legal profession. LMA also serves as a resource for practicing attorneys and law firm leaders looking to develop their practices and gain competitive advantage. LMA, founded in 1985, has over 2,500 members in 43 U.S. states, Canada and 10 other countries, has Eighteen chapters across the U.S. and Canada, and 233 of the 250 largest U.S. law firms employ an LMA member (93%).