Date : Dec 5, 2014

Bradley Lindeman, a partner in our Minneapolis office, has been selected as a faculty member for the Minnesota Continuing Legal Education seminar titled Job Applicant Screening – How to Assess Applicants Effectively and Lawfully. He will present Employer Testing of Knowledge, Skills, Ability and Other Characteristics. Proper employment testing serves the public goals of eliminating unfair and unlawful discriminatory biases from hiring decisions, and that of maintaining a workplace meritocracy. In practice, however, implementing testing in the hiring process poses traps for the unwary. Bradley will show you how to minimize the risk of liability and maximize testing’s utility.
To learn more or register for this event, please visit the Minnesota Continuing Legal Education website or download the brochure.
Established in Minneapolis in 1929, Meagher & Geer has earned a reputation as one of the leading litigation defense and insurance coverage firms in the Upper Midwest. We offer 80 lawyers in 20 practice areas. From our offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Phoenix, Arizona we represent businesses of all sizes, public entities, non-profit organizations, and individuals. Our nationally recognized trial lawyers have taken more than 105 cases to verdict since 2007. During the same period, our appellate lawyers have handled more than 120 appeals in state and federal courts. At last count we represented more than 125 of the leading insurance companies in the U.S., and we also handle work for insurers based in London, Canada and Bermuda.
Our attorneys are licensed in many states, including Arizona, California, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.