In Re Estate of Sandra Cwayna Halla, No. 27-PA-PR-10-45
Hennepin County District Court, Minnesota
Type of Case: Will Contest
Practice Area(s): Private: Wills, Probate, Estates, Trusts and Related Litigation
Lawyer(s): Timothy W. Ridley
Office(s): Minneapolis
Date: Feb 28 2011
Meagher & Geer represented the children of the decedent. The surviving spouse offered a will for probate under which he benefitted to the exclusion of the decedent’s children. The court concluded after a court trial that the decedent died intestate. The purported will was denied probate both because the decedent lacked testamentary intent and because it was procured through the undue influence of the surviving spouse. The trial court held so even though the attorney, who drafted the will and was present and witnessed at the time of the signing, testified that there was no influence and that decedent retained the requisite capacity.
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