McAuliffe CLE Center
4201 N. 24th Street
Phoenix, AZ

Please join us on June 7-8, 2017, for the State Bar of Arizona’s 2017 Insurance Law Institute. This fourth annual Institute explores insurance law and insurance bad faith and will include a lively discussion on ethical issues for insurance lawyers, best practices from Pima and Maricopa County judges, and stellar mediation panel. During the second half of the seminar, experienced lawyers will discuss UM/UIM, commercial property insurance, excess insurance, motor carrier trucking issues, and will examine punitive damages, expert witnesses and preparing for and arguing motion for summary judgments. This year provides a unique opportunity to hear from John Tully who has over 40 years’ experience in coverage and bad faith.
Meagher & Geer partner, Robert Justman, will serve as a presenter at the seminar. Robert will address the topic of excess liability coverage. Attending the Insurance Law Institute is the best way to ensure you are completely up to date on the latest cases, legislation and other developments in insurance law. The program provides practical instruction on important topics and opportunities to discuss cutting-edge legal strategy with leading practitioners and judges alike.
To learn more or register for this event, please visit the State Bar of Arizona Continuing Legal Education website or view the event page.
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