McAuliffe CLE Center
4201 N. 24th Street
Phoenix, AZ

Please join us January 29 – January 30 (Thursday and Friday) for the State Bar of Arizona’s 2015 Insurance Law Institute. This second annual Institute explores insurance law and insurance bad faith. Experienced lawyers and judges will address many hot topics in this area, including UM/UIM, cyber liability, workers’ compensation bad faith, construction, intentional acts and bad faith.
Meagher & Geer partner, Thomas Crouch, will be speaking on cyber liability. Meagher & Geer attorney, Robert Justman, will be speaking on professional liability coverage.
Attending the Insurance Law Institute is the best way to ensure you are completely up to date on the latest cases, legislation and other developments in insurance law. The program provides practical instruction on important topics and opportunities to discuss cutting-edge legal strategy with leading practitioners and judges alike.
To learn more or register for this event, please visit the State Bar of Arizona Continuing Legal Education website or view the event page.
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