Holiday Inn Bloomington
1201 W. 94th Street
Bloomington, Minnesota 55431

Don’t be caught off guard. You could be breaching patient confidentiality without even realizing it!
Attend Medical Records Law Seminar and get surefire techniques for avoiding complaints, penalties and even lawsuits – learn to tackle even the toughest medical records dilemmas in just one day! In today’s changing legal landscape, staying current is crucial to avoid costly fines and time-consuming legal battles.
Attend this practical seminar featuring Meagher & Geer associate Marshall Lichty, and gain critical information on confidentiality, disclosure, documentation requirements and HIPAA issues you face every day. Sign up now – don’t miss this opportunity to get up to date on the latest regulations and compliance strategies from the foremost experts in your area.
Benefits for You
- Stay audit-ready … get need-to-know information on HIPAA enforcement
- Keep your organization current in the ever-changing arena of electronic medical records
- Resolve conflicts between HIPAA rules and state law – take the guesswork out of deciding which one to follow
- Properly and legally store and dispose of medical information … your patients’ privacy rights are on the line
- Get up to date in a day on how medical records are the belle of the ball in medical malpractice litigation and learn what you need to know to avoid turning into a pumpkin the next time you are on the wrong side of the caption in a medical malpractice claim
6 MN CLE credits will be offered to attendees.
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