Millennium Hotel Minneapolis
1313 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

Mark Bloomquist, a partner at Meagher & Geer, will present “Design-Build Contracts” at this Lorman seminar: Know what you’re getting into before you sign your next AIA contract.
Help is available for understanding complex AIA contract provisions – get it now, before you wind up with costly delays or time-consuming lawsuits. Join us for this seminar and get a solid understanding of commonly used AIA documents and how to use them to minimize your liability.
Discover how to protect your company and avoid pitfalls such as delays, cost issues, payment disputes and much more. Know exactly what will happen if things go wrong – and how AIA contracts can help you avoid these disasters by addressing the issues upfront. Register today to get the insight you need to sign your next contract with your eyes wide open.
Benefits for You
- Don’t sign blindly – know your responsibilities before you start your next project
- Be prepared for impending disaster by making sure your dispute resolution provisions are bulletproof
- Steer clear of costly legal battles … avoid the pitfalls of misunderstanding the widely used AIA forms
- Stop wasting time poring over endless legalese – navigate through owner-architect agreements with ease
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to discuss design-build contracts
- You will be able to review the AIA A201 family of documents
- You will be able to identify elements of the owner-architect agreements
- You will be able to explain dispute resolution
We are pleased to offer a 20% discount off the registration fee:
Register online at
Call: 866-352-9539
Discount code: F2716129
Priority code: 15000