Date: Aug 25, 2016
New Paid Sick/Safety Leave Affects Most Employees who Work More Than 80 Hours per Year in Minneapolis

New Paid Sick/Safety Leave Affects Most Employees who Work More Than 80 Hours per Year in Minneapolis
On May 27, 2016, the Minneapolis City Council passed a new ordinance that affects employers with six or more employees working in Minneapolis. This includes contractors with employees working on projects located in Minneapolis. The ordinance provides that an employee accrues one hour of paid leave for every 30 hours worked, up to 48 hours of accrued leave per year. These paid leave hours can carry over to the next year, up to a total of 80 accrued hours. An employee can use the leave for their own or a qualifying family member’s mental and physical illness, injury, or diagnostic or preventive care. Read the newsletter.
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