Each spring, the Hennepin County Bar Association (HCBA) remembers, honors, and celebrates the lives of members of the profession who passed away during the previous year or so. The Chief Judge of Minnesota’s Fourth District Court presides over this special session of the court, and is joined by the Hennepin County bench as well as justices and judges from several other venues and jurisdictions. Continuing the century-old annual tradition, on April 27, 2017, the Hennepin County legal community will honor and celebrate the lawyers and judges who passed away during the prior year or so.
Chief Judge Ivy S. Bernhardson will call to order this special session of the Hennepin County District Court. Judge Bernhardson will welcome family members, colleagues, and friends of the members of our profession whose good deeds and service we recall that day, and she will introduce justices and judges from Minnesota’s state and federal courts who are in attendance. To learn more or view the list of attorneys to be memorialized, visit the HCBA website.
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